Tiger Claw (3.5e Martial Discipline)/All Maneuvers

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Please note that these are only the homebrew Tiger Claw maneuvers.

Annoying Blow
Occult Sovereignty, Shadow Hand, Tiger Claw (Strike) [X-Discipline]
Level: 3
Initiation Action: Standard, attack of opportunity, see text
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous

You hit the foe right in the face, hoping that he won't be able to finish his spell once his nose is smashed.

You can initiate this maneuver whenever you would make an attack against a spellcaster in the process of casting a spell, as long as that attack is not part of another maneuver or a full attack. You can initiate this maneuver as part of an attack of opportunity or as a standard action. Make a single melee attack. If it connects, the attack does 2d6 extra damage, and is considered to have dealt twice as much damage as it actually did for the purpose of determining the Concentration DC to avoid losing a spell, power, or other such ability.

Brutal Murder
Shadow Hand, Tiger Claw (Strike) [Death, X-Discipline]
Level: 5
Prerequisite: Two Shadow Hand Maneuvers, One Tiger Claw Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1-round action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial

You dramatically raise your scythe above your cowering foe. Rooted to the spot in their panic, they simply crouch there as you slice their head off.

Make a melee attack against the target. You automatically roll a natural 20 on the attack roll, but must roll normally to confirm the critical hit. In addition, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 15 + Dexterity modifier) or die.

Only the Fortitude save to avoid death is a Death effect; immunity to Death effects does not protect against the automatic hit.

Note that Brutal Murder is a 1-round action, not a full-round action: the target has an entire turn to get out of reach and make your maneuver effectively wasted.

Distracting Blow
Occult Sovereignty, Shadow Hand, Setting Sun, Tiger Claw (Strike) [X-Discipline]
Level: 2
Initiation Action: Standard, attack of opportunity, see text
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous

Evocations make the best counterspells.

You can initiate this maneuver whenever you would make an attack against a spellcaster in the process of casting a spell, as long as that attack is not part of another maneuver or a full attack. You can initiate this maneuver as part of an attack of opportunity or as a standard action. Make a single melee attack. If it connects, the attack does normal damage, but it is considered to have dealt twice as much damage as it actually did for the purpose of determining the Concentration DC to avoid losing a spell, power, or other such ability.

Dive of the Eagle
Tiger Claw (Rush)
Level: 4
Initiation Action: Move action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None

Briefly glancing down, you feel the winds whip around you, and execute a perfect swan-dive directly towards the ground. Only the presence of your opponent's soft flesh and your martial prowess stop your graceful dive from becoming a messy bloodstain, and the attack you execute is nothing short of acrobatic perfection, slicing up your enemy but leaving you unscathed and on your feet.

As part of initiating this maneuver, make a Jump check (DC 15). You may then jump down and fall 10ft per point by which you succeed on your Jump check without incurring falling damage. Furthermore, on the next attack you make this round, you deal an additional 1d6 damage for each 10ft of falling movement that you undertook this round, to a maximum of 6d6.

Evasive Prey
Tiger Claw (Stance)
Level: 5
Prerequisite: Two Tiger Claw maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift
Range: Personal
Target: Self

Prey have learned to dodge and weave to avoid the claws of the beast. Show them you refuse to become their meal.

This stance is actually two stances in one, and you can switch between the two versions as a free action on your turn once a round.

The first version makes you no longer provoke attacks of opportunity for movement.

The second version has you provoke at normal, with a +4 dodge bonus to AC (this stacks with Mobility). If you provoke, and their attack misses you, they provoke an attack of opportunity themselves from you.

Feral Dash
Tiger Claw (Counter)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: Immediate
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None

When subject to an attack roll or a Reflex save, you may make a Jump check. If your result exceeds the attack roll or save DC, you take half damage and may move up to 10 ft in any direction as you leap out of the way. This is not evasion, and evasion does not apply if you succeed on a Reflex save with this maneuver.

If you fail your result by 10 or more, you take +50% more damage from the attack as you are left open.

Law of the Jungle
Tiger Claw (Strike)
Level: 9
Prerequisite: Five Tiger Claw maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 full-round action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
416. I will not substitute accuracy with enthusiasm.
Things Mr. Welch is No Longer Allowed to Do in an RPG

The law of the jungle - kill or be killed. The merciful have short lifespans.

As part of this maneuver, make a full attack. You take a −8 penalty on all attack rolls but gain eight additional attacks this round. You also rend your targets, as in girallion windmill strike[1], if you land multiple attacks on the same enemy. (An enemy that you land multiple hits on during this round takes 2d4 additional damage per hit beyond the first if you are fighting with one weapon, or 2d10 additional damage per hit beyond the first if you are fighting with two or more weapons. This damage is added to the hit you dealt the most damage with for the purposes of determining whether or not the enemy is at risk for death due to massive damage.) Any rending damage you inflict to a creature is also inflicted upon the creature's armor and clothing.

Life-Terminating Bite
Tiger Claw (Strike)
Level: 8
Prerequisite: Four Tiger Claw maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee
Target: One creature that you have pinned
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None

After wrestling your victim to the ground, you thrust your weapon directly at their spinal cord, aiming to inflict a swift death.

You can only use this maneuver against a creature that you have pinned. Make a single melee attack. If you connect, your victim dies instantly, as if beheaded.

This maneuver works by severing the foe's spinal cord; by definition, it is a precision-based attack, much like a critical hit or sneak attack, so resistance or immunity against precision-based attacks (such as fortification) applies against this maneuver. If your foe has multiple heads (such as an ettin, Zweilous, or hydra), this maneuver merely disables and effectively destroys a single head; in order to instantly slay such a foe, you must use this maneuver on all of their heads.

Murderous Madness
Tiger Claw (Strike)
Level: 6
Prerequisite: Three Tiger Claw maneuvers
Initiation Action: One full-round action
Range: See text
Target: One creature
Duration: One round
Saving Throw: Fortitude

Select one creature within a distance equal to your base land speed. Make a Jump check against a DC equal to the target creature's AC. If your Jump check succeeds, you land in a space from which you could threaten that creature and make a full attack against it. For every 5 points by which the result of your Jump check exceeds the target's AC, your attacks as part of this maneuver deal an extra 1d6 damage. After each successful attack against your target, the creature must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 16 + your Str modifier). If the saving throw fails, the target takes 1d4 Constitution damage. If your Jump check fails, you fall Prone until the start of your next turn.

After using this maneuver, you suffer a -4 penalty to AC until the beginning of your next turn.

This maneuver has no effect against creatures which are immune to critical hits.

Organ Smasher
Organic Repast, Tiger Claw (Strike) [X-Discipline]
Level: 7
Prerequisite: One Organic Repast maneuver, three Tiger Claw maneuvers, Heal 6 ranks, Martial Lore 10 ranks, Strength 15, Dexterity 12
Initiation Action: See text
Range: Melee reach
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates or Fortitude partial; see text.

You swing your weapon directly towards your enemy's neck.

You make a single melee attack aimed directly at one of your opponent's organs, your choice. If you hit, your opponent must make a Fortitude save or suffer an effect dependent on where you hit. The initiation time of this maneuver depends on where you try to hit.

  • Heart: Full-round action. If your opponent fails their Fortitude save, they die instantly. However, the sternum exists to prevent such a thing from happening, and you have to hit extra-hard to actually pierce it; the save DC is decreased by 1 unless you score a critical hit.
  • Spinal Cord: Full-round action, can only be chosen if you would be able to perform a sneak attack (you do not actually need the ability to sneak attack). If your opponent fails their Fortitude save, they are permanently paralyzed, and only a greater restoration, DC 30+damage dealt Heal check, or stronger effect can cure them. The spinal cord isn't exactly capable of repairing itself.
  • Brain: Standard action. If your opponent fails their Fortitude save, they take 2d10 Intelligence and Wisdom drain. If your opponent rolls a natural 1 on their Fortitude save, or you score a critical hit, they instead die instantly. You take a −3 penalty to the attack roll.
  • Lungs: Standard action. If your opponent fails their Fortitude save, the lung is wounded and torn, and begins to be flooded with blood. The foe will drown in 1 minute unless given prompt medical attention (magical healing that restores at least as much damage as your attack did, or a Heal check with a DC equal to 10 + the damage your attack did). If your opponent rolls a natural 1 on their Fortitude save, or you score a critical hit, your opponent begins drowning instantly.
  • Stomach: Standard action. If your opponent fails their Fortitude save, the stomach is severely ruptured to the point where they literally cannot hold their food down. The foe is nauseated for 2 days per initiator level (3 days per initiator level if your opponent rolls a natural 1 on their Fortitude save or you score a critical hit, or 4 days per initiator level if your opponent rolls a natural 1 on their Fortitude save and you score a critical hit).
  • Groin: Standard action. If your opponent fails their Fortitude save, they become sterile forever, and more importantly (for you), they collapse prone and are wracked with pain to the point of complete and total helplessness for 1 round per 2 initiator levels (1 round per initiator level if you score a critical hit). Even on a successful save, the foe is wracked with pain, falling prone and becoming helpless for 1 round. You take a −1 penalty to the attack roll.

Pounce From the Canopy
Tiger Claw (Rush)
Level: 3
Initiation Action: 1 move action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous, One round (see text)
Saving Throw: None

Move via the jump skill. For the next round, you deal an extra +1d6 skirmish damage and gain +1 skirmish armor class.

Soul of the Tiger
Tiger Claw, Essential Cut (Strike) [X-Discipline]
Level: 8
Prerequisite: Two Tiger Claw Maneuvers, Two Essential Cut Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 full-round action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Saving Throw: None

You let out a massive growl before hitting your enemy with more sharp parts than they knew you had.

As part of initiating this maneuver, you make a charge attack. Instead of making a single attack at the end of the charge, you can make a full attack, and gain natural attacks for this purpose: two primary claw attacks that deal 1d8 +half Strength modifier damage, and one secondary bite attack that deals 1d12 + Strength modifier damage.

The bonus to your attack roll for making a charge attack applies to all your attack rolls.

This maneuver is supernatural.

Stinging Rebound
Tiger Claw (Strike)
Level: 2
Initiation Action: Full Attack Action
Range: See Text
Target: One creature no more than two size categories smaller than you
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex partial

You fly through the air and slam your sword deep in their chest, legs, pressed on their shoulders. Then you kick back off doing a backflip while your bleeding opponent stumbles backwards and hits the ground.

Make a jump attack with a DC equal to the target's AC against any creature within one move action to you. You run up and leap on them making an attack and dealing damage, with a +2 bonus on the attack roll. Regardless if you hit or miss with your attack you push yourself off their body and return to your original spot, while the opponent is pushed backwards 5 feet every 2 initiator levels, and must make a Reflex save or fall prone. A successful save negates the prone, but not the movement, or the damage. You do provoke for moving into their space, but get your initiator level to your AC against attacks of opportunity caused by this maneuver. If you fail the jump check you still move and attack, but do not bounce back, do not get the +2 to attack, and do not push the opponent or knock them down.

On a natural 20, you hit with such force they are pushed back 5 feet per initiator level instead, and they are staggered for 1 round. A successful save negates the prone, but not the staggering.

Sudden Pounce
Tiger Claw (Strike)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: Standard
Range: Melee Attack
Effect: One Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None

As a part of initiating this maneuver, you may move up to your speed before making a single melee attack that deals an extra 1d6 point of damage per two initiator levels (to a maximum of 5d6). If you wield two weapons, you may make an attack with each weapon with the usual two-weapon fighting penalties.

Tiger Stalks its Prey
Tiger Claw (Rush)
Level: 4
Prerequisite: Two Tiger Claw Maneuvers
Initiation Action: Move
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Instantaneous and 1 round
Saving Throw: None

As you initiate this maneuver, you may move up to your speed. Your movement make no sound, as if it was under the effect of the silence spell. If you move through tall grass, heavy foliage, or similar terrain, you are invisible until the end of the round or until you take an action that would break your invisibility (as the spell).

Additionally, you gain the effect of the darkstalker feat until the beginning of your next turn.

Tiger's Finishing Bite
Tiger Claw (Strike)
Level: 4
Prerequisite: Two Tiger Claw maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee
Target: One creature that you have pinned
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates

After wrestling your victim to the ground, you thrust your weapon directly at their spinal cord, aiming to inflict a swift death.

You can only use this maneuver against a creature that you have pinned. Make a single melee attack. If you connect, your victim must make a Fortitude save or die instantly, as if beheaded.

This maneuver works by severing the foe's spinal cord; by definition, it is a precision-based attack, much like a critical hit or sneak attack, so resistance or immunity against precision-based attacks (such as fortification) applies against this maneuver. If your foe has multiple heads (such as an ettin, Zweilous, or hydra), this maneuver merely disables and effectively destroys a single head; in order to instantly slay such a foe, you must use this maneuver on all of their heads.

Unbalancing Assault
Tiger Claw (Strike)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: One full-round action
Range: See text
Target: One creature
Duration: One round
Saving Throw: Fortitude or Reflex
Abandoning caution to the wind, you leap into the fray in an attempt to unsettle your opponents and get them on the back-foot.

When you initiate this maneuver, make a charge as part of a full round action. At the end of the charge, make a Jump check against your target’s AC. If you fail the initial Jump check, you are flat-footed until the start of your next turn. If successful, you can make one attack against your target for each ten points of your Jump check. All of these attacks are made at your highest base attack bonus, but all of your attacks suffer a cumulative -1 penalty for each attack beyond the first. You must state the number of attacks you will take before rolling attack rolls. Creatures damaged by two or more of your attacks from this maneuver become flat-footed until their next turn. If you have an ability that grants extra damage dice on flat-footed opponents, such as sneak attack, attacks that connect after your second add that damage.