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Latest revision as of 19:47, 18 May 2013

Author: Spazalicious Chaos (talk)
Date Created: 6/18/2011
Status: Rough Cut, first time as written rule
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Camping, Sucker Punches and Other Dirty Tricks


There are a great many tricks and tactics one can employ on the field of battle, as the victims of campers can atest to, as can really anyone who has ever had a lick of real combat. But D&D is a fantasy game, more specifically an adolescents fantasy: you have super powers, it is assumed you are way stronger than most mortals, and fights are grand battles between two forces that are roughly evenly matched. I have no issue with the first two components, but that third is a load of shit. I love playing tricksters and decievers, and thus refuse to fight fair. But D&D, as of yet, has refused to support this. My in game options: spam sneaking up behind people and fient, which sucks without a specialized build. Everything else requires convincing/arguing with the GM, which is dumb.

Thus, for the first time ever written, are my house rules for being a cheating, sucker punching, camping bastard.

Rule Mechanics[edit]

This page is divided into three sections: camping, sucker punch, and preemptive strike.


By readying an action after hiding, you effectively turn yourself into a proximity trigger trap. First, roll Hide after securing a location suitable for your trap. ?Then ready your action and the specific conditions that you are looking for, such as "if the wolf pokes it's head through the door" or "the first orc to come out of the room." Once the trigger condition is set, wait.

This next part is all about the victim. The victim, unless acutely aware that there is a trap, does not make a Spot check to see the camper. Notice "acutely aware" is not "vaguely aware." The difference between the two is the difference between noticing a rogue turned a sharp corner and not hearing his steps afterward and kicking in a door, knowing there is something in there. Once the victim triggers the campers conditions, the camper attacks, forcing the victim to make a Spot check. Success indicates that he saw something and gets his full defense against the attack, either his full AC or is allowed a reflex save. Failure indicates that he is defenseless, the attack targeting his flat-footed AC or the victim is denied his reflex save, suffering as though he failed it.

Sucker Punch[edit]

This action is only taken after initiative has been rolled. First off, under this variant all attackers are considered suprised until they take their first turn in combat, regardless of whether it was a suprise round or not. Second, this state of suprise can be restored under the following conditions being fulfilled:

  1. If the victim of the sucker punch has not attacked the sucker puncher in at least 5 rounds
  2. If said sucker puncher succeeds on a Bluff check (as per a fient) to get the victims attention
  3. The victim fails his Sense Motive check and focuses on the sucker puncher

This has several effects: all attacks on the victim count him as suprised that turn, the intitial sucker puncher, if he succeeds and the victim fails, deals damage as if he attacked instead of fiented, and the victim does not shake off these effects until he can act, be it an oppertunistic action or otherwise.

Preemptive Strike[edit]

Only possible if noone has rolled initiative yet. The preemptive strike is basically you taking the first attack and starting the fight. First, You and your victim roll initiative. You can skip this step on a successful Bluff check, opposed by your victims Sense Motive. Whoever wins gets one attack, begining a "suprise" suprise round. Then initiative is rolled by everyone EXCEPT the asshole who started it, who takes on his iniative modifier to the result of whoever should have gone first, the sum being his initiative count. If this would result in a tie... resolve that however your group normally resolves it. I'm lazy, so to me that just means people are acting in synchrony. If the result is lower than the fastest guys result due to an initiative penalty, it just sucks to be you, because thast is still your initiative count. Your are just slow.

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