This is Your Brain on Magic (3.5e Maneuver)

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Author: Luigifan18 (talk)
Date Created: November 7, 2012
Status: Needs review
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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This is Your Brain on Magic
Occult Sovereignty (Strike) [Electricity]
Level: 9
Prerequisite: Five Occult Sovereignty maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee or ranged attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous

With a single mighty strike, you implanted a powerful electric surge in your opponent's skull, and the portions of his brain responsible for magic were utterly slain. Now he's just an old fool waving his arms and speaking strange words, trying in vain to exert the power he once had... power that you have completely destroyed.

Perhaps the ultimate expression of the Occult Sovereignty school, this incredible technique can permanently deprive a creature of its magic by destroying part of its brain or similar organic equivalent, and even if it fails, some of the target's magic will be lost. As part of this maneuver, make a single melee or ranged attack. If it connects, your attack deals an extra 8d8 electric damage and your target loses all spellcasting abilities for 1 round per initiator level due to the electricity overloading the magical neurons in his or her brain. Scoring a critical hit with this maneuver causes the target to permanently lose all magical abilities. In this scenario, the magical ability is lost because the electrical surge you created in the target's brain was so intense that it caused the neurons responsible for magic to melt, implode, and die. As a result, this spell doesn't work on Constructs or with nonorganic methods of thought. Only a wish, miracle, complete restoration, or a healing effect of equivalent or greater power can undo the damage and restore spellcasting capabilities of a caster who has lost his or her power in this fashion, regardless of whether or not the loss is permanent (but if it isn't permanent, it'll return on its own after the duration has expired).

Even if your attack misses, some of the electrical charge from your weapon gets into the target's head anyways, and the target takes 2d8 electric damage and loses 8 spell slots or prepared spells for 1 round per initiator level; roll 1d10 to determine the level of each spell slot that is lost (a roll of 10 corresponds to a 0-level spell if the target is a nonepic spellcaster or has no remaining epic spell slots, or an epic spell if the target has an epic spell slot; you reroll if the target has no remaining spells of the level corresponding to your result). If the target prepares spells, he or she chooses which spells are lost. Electricity resistance or hindrance can reduce the extra damage inflicted by this maneuver, but not the spellcasting loss. Even if your target uses something like a readied teleport to get out of your way as you carry out your attack, the very act of initiating this maneuver generates so much anti-magical power that the target loses four spell slots or prepared slots as though he or she had cast those spells (but without getting any of their effects). You roll to determine the spell levels lost as described above, and a caster who prepares spells decides which spells are lost. Immunity to electricity or electricity absorption can provide total protection from this maneuver unless the initiator is able to defeat immunity to electricity or electricity absorption (for example, electricity anti-resistance capable of overriding immunity or absorption). If the initiator does have such anti-resistance... well, any spellcaster he targets is screwed eight ways to Sunday.

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Luigifan18's Homebrew (383 Articles)
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorLuigifan18 +
DescriptorElectricity +
DisciplineOccult Sovereignty +
Identifier3.5e Maneuver +
Level9 +
Rated BySecondDeath777 +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryCompletely and utterly sizzle the opponent's brain, ruining its spellcasting abilities for a very, very long time. +
TitleThis is Your Brain on Magic +
TypeStrike +