Daal Ilos (3.5e Location)

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Author: Sulacu (talk)
Date Created: May 1, 2015
Status: Pengweng
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Daal Ilos (Knowledge DC 30)

Literally meaning 'Earthly Heaven' or 'Heaven on Earth' in the ancient Ilian language, Daal Ilos is a land of tragic stories, where the hubris and corruption of one man condemned his entire kingdom to eternal ruin within the frozen Polelands of the material world.

History (Knowledge DC 35)

Once a resplendent land blessed with hearty soil and a warm sun, in the age before this one Daal Ilos prospered. The Ilian people were creative and artistic with a strong sense of community, and enjoyed humble lives of agriculture and artisanry. Daal Ilos brought many great philosophers and thinkers into the world, and brokered peace and trade treaties with many great nations of its time. Proverbs still allude to the hospitality of the people of Ilos, and told that an Ilian's hearth would never go cold. However, there are always stirrings. There is always ambition, and the kingly advisor and high priest of the sun god Heilos, Salare Askarian, was the most ambitious of all.

Salare overstepped his station by trying to harness the power of the sun itself to the kingdom's benefit, desiring to share the prosperity of Daal Ilos with everyone. Salare sought to influence the king and control the kingdom from the shadows to expand its sphere of influence, hoping to annex the surrounding lands and increase the kingdom's territories. Perhaps spurred on by ancient grudges that predated the kingdom's formation, he theatened to deny the surrounding lands the blessings of the sun should they not let themselves be conquered willingly, to darken all skies so that the sun would cast its light upon Daal Ilos alone. Heilos did not suffer his priest's blasphemies for long, and Salare was swiftly cast down and bled of magic. The vengeance of the old Gods for attempting to impinge upon their portfolio was swift and cruel, as it was all of Daal Ilos that was cast in shadow as punishment. Covered in an overcast of rainless clouds, the fertile soil of Daal Ilos dried and hardened and its climate and people grew cold, harsh and bitter. The surrounding lands shored up and cast a vast wall, chisled from mountain stone to surround the kingdom and leave it to die, and little was heard of Daal Ilos after the Great Isolation.

Held accountable for the fall of Daal Ilos, its then king, Gavion VIII, sentenced Salare Askarian to death by hanging. It was said that the entire kingdom watched Salare as he was pelted by rotted produce, stoned, marched to the platform and hung, and some accounts include details of him being stabbed by spears until long after his death by the noose. His remains were left to rot within the Betrayer's Vault, a space deep within a vast underground mausoleum where the worst criminals and oathbreakers of early Daal Ilos were left to rot. But this was hardly the end of Salare's abominable tale.

The Dark Sun (Knowledge DC 40)

Having sought alternatives for his faded divine magic, he had dabbled extensively in the dark arts of binders and warlocks in the time leading up to his execution. Anticipating his death, he and his cultists - the newly coined Oder of the Dark Sun - set in motion the ritual by which he would return to life, and he resurfaced a near-tenday after his purported death by hanging. With their mastery over ice-based magic, they took gargoyles, the warlock's favourite pets and servants, and subverted and magically altered them in secret to create the kapoacinth, and bred them by wicked spell and invocation until they had an army of gelid beasts to overthrow the kingdom. Once Daal Ilos was secured under Askarian's rule, he set about creating a new sun of his own - a Dark Sun - to once again bathe the land in its warmth and light. High above the peak of the former Sun Cathedral it shone, but the ghostly light of this dark sun was neither warm nor merciful. The Dark Sun absorbed hundreds of thousands of living souls and used it as fuel to keep burning, bathing Daal Ilos in its deathly cast. Before long, the kingdom was a mass grave of millions, with only a few settlements near the borders and in the shadows of mountains remaining. That, and an aeon of regrets.

The Spiriting Away of Daal Ilos (Knowledge DC 40+)

Fearing the spread of the Dark Sun's influence, the Gods once again intervened. They cut Daal Ilos from the world, like it was a bad limb to be amputated. Nearly all the land beyond the Wall was broken off from the continent and relocated Northward, leaving behind a massive crescent bay over 300 miles wide. Where exactly Daal Ilos exists now is unsure, but to this day, on the night of the summer solstice those standing upon the Wall can see ominous northern lights that carry a strange, deathly chill.

Knowledge and Written Works

Today, all knowledge of Daal Ilos is ancient, basic knowledge about the Kingdom's history requiring a DC 30 Knowledge (history) check. Further knowledge, including the particulars of its downfall, notable peoples, royal genealogy and other subjects that verge into detail require a DC 35, DC 40 or even higher. The reason for these high DCs is that due to Daal Ilos' removal of the world and the Great Isolation that preceded it left precious little documentation about the fate of this mysterious kingdom. However, certain very rare and ancient written works from neighboring nations or remaining survivors from Daal Ilos itself document small portions of the kingdom's history in some measure of detail.

  • The Doynich Manuscript: Believed to be a collection of writings in the ancient Ilian language that is only partially translated. One of the few remaining pieces of writing that referenses Salare Askarian by name. Translatable parts require a DC 30 Decipher Script check to interpret.
  • The Gentle Darkness: A Berezian folklore tale that references a 'light of destruction' that pierces flesh and bleeds all life from it, and a 'gentle darkness' that opposes it. As the lands that later became Berezia used to border Daal Ilos, some believe this fictional story contains a hint as to the nature of the Dark Sun.
  • The Watchers on the Wall: A thousand-page treatise on the Great Isolation that cut off the darkening Daal Ilos from the rest of the continent, and details regarding the construction of the Wall surrounding its shadowed borders. Contains references to a pale light that sapped one's strength with a strange, unnatural biting cold.

Planar Traits

Physical Traits

Elemental, Energy, Alignment and Magic Traits

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AuthorSulacu +
Identifier3.5e Location +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA dead kingdom, frozen and forgotten. +
TitleDaal Ilos +
TypeKingdom +