Boomerang (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 5-2-16
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Exotic Light Thrown Melee

Cost: 5 gp
Damage (Small): 1d4
Damage (Medium)1: 1d6
Critical: 20/x2
Range Increment: 40'
Weight2: 2 lbs
Type3: Bludgeoning
HP4: 10
Hardness: 5

1. See Damage Increases by Size to calculate the damage for a weapon larger than Medium or smaller than Small.
2. Weight figures are for Medium weapons. A Small weapon weighs half as much, and a Large weapon weighs twice as much.
3. When two types are given, the weapon is both types if the entry specifies "and", either type (player's choice at time of attack) if the entry specifies "or", or each end of the double weapon is a different type if the entry specifies "/".
4. The hp value given is for Medium armor, weapons, and shields. Divide by 2 for each size category of the item smaller than Medium, or multiply it by 2 for each size category larger than Medium.

This curved stick is a type of throwing call stereotypically known for its ability to curve back to the user. Though most don't actually do so, this particular boomerang is designed both to strike the target and return. It can be used as a simple weapon as a club, though it takes a -2 penalty to attack in melee as it is not suited for melee combat. It can also be thrown, but will not return unless you have the appropriate Exotic Weapon Proficiency.

Those with proficiency benefit from an extraordinary Returning enhancement. If it is enhanced with the actual Returning enhancement, the weapon can return instantly allowing you to full attack with the same weapon.

Those proficient can also make up to a 90 degree turn in their projectile, allowing them to shoot around corners. They suffer from concealment as normal.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5609 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
ClassThrown + and Melee +
Cost5 gp +
Critical20/x2 +
Damage1d6 +
Damage TypeBludgeoning +
Hardness5 +
Hit Points10 +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
ProficiencyExotic +
Range40 +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeLight +
TitleBoomerang +
Weight2 +