Deformity, Stomach Control (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Pinecone (talk)
Date Created: 03/30/2023
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Deformity, Stomach Control [Deformity] You stomach evolved to go along with your new jawPrerequisites: Unhinged JawBenefit: You gain control over your stomach acid and can pick when it is active inside your guts allowing you to swallow items without damaging them and puke them up later. Your stomach acts as a Type I Bag of Holding when it comes to how much it can hold. It takes a Full-Round Action to retrieve an item in your stomach. Items retrieved in this way will always be covered in saliva.

Eaten creatures in your stomach now receive 1d10 + CON modifier acid damage and 1d10 + CON modifier bludgeoning damage per turn.

Creatures take d4 10 turns to determine how long digestion will take, adding +1 to the roll depending on their size (ex: Fine= 1d4. Medium =5d4). Your movements are decrease by 10 ft to the minimum of 5 ft movement till you are done. You heal by twice the amount of HP the eaten creature had at the end of digestion. You are unable to swallow another body till you are finished digesting.

You are unable to both hold items and digest at the same time. Items will be destroyed if your acid is turned back on. Special: If you have Digesting Saliva, Digestion is measured by turns instead of 10 turns.

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Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorPinecone +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteUnhinged Jaw +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryGain more benefits from what you swallowed and can swallow more +
TitleDeformity, Stomach Control +
TypeDeformity +