Giant Sword (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 27th September 2022
Status: Complete
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Giant Sword

Exotic Two-Handed Melee

Cost: 300 gp
Damage (Small): 2d6
Damage (Medium)1: 3d6
Critical: 19-20/x2
Weight2: 80 lbs
Type3: Bludgeoning or Slashing
HP4: 30
Hardness: 10

1. See Damage Increases by Size to calculate the damage for a weapon larger than Medium or smaller than Small.
2. Weight figures are for Medium weapons. A Small weapon weighs half as much, and a Large weapon weighs twice as much.
3. When two types are given, the weapon is both types if the entry specifies "and", either type (player's choice at time of attack) if the entry specifies "or", or each end of the double weapon is a different type if the entry specifies "/".
4. The hp value given is for Medium armor, weapons, and shields. Divide by 2 for each size category of the item smaller than Medium, or multiply it by 2 for each size category larger than Medium.

A huge mostly unsharpened chunk of iron or steel. The giant sword was initially designed to be used by the smaller giants, but was retrofitted to be used by fighters from humanoid races. It is an incredibly unwieldy weapon, which require great strength and training, even above other exotic weapons.

All attacks made with a giant sword are made as though they were made with the Cleave feat. However those without Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Giant Sword) and the Cleave feat may only make a single attack as a standard action with it, and cannot take a full attack action. If a wielder lacks both, she may only take a single attack as a full-round action.

If a wielder’s Strength is less than 19 (or 17 for a Small or smaller giant sword), they take a –2 penalty on attacks with it, as they’re unable to maneuver its daunting size and weight.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4438 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassMelee +
Cost300 gp +
Critical19-20/x2 +
Damage3d6 +
Damage TypeBludgeoning + and Slashing +
Hardness10 +
Hit Points30 +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
ProficiencyExotic +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeTwo-Handed +
TitleGiant Sword +
Weight80 +