Talk:Alien Galaxy (3.5e Location)

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Author’s Note[edit]

This was made to be include all the major alien planets. The following rules were used on placement. If the planet is a dead or has an extremely hostile environment it is probably in the second sphere. If a system mentioned multiple parts, like Olum, it is in area with multiple stars. If the species is extremely unusual its planet is in an outer area. If you think your species does not fit in a given location I can change it.

After talking to author, the Noosphere and Planet Ioti will be removed from map. The Noosphere is mobile, and Planet Ioti has an unknown location.--Franken Kesey 07:45, 5 April 2019 (MDT)
Fixed map to general sectors (instead of named planets), reduced galaxy size, and added math.--Franken Kesey 13:17, 5 April 2019 (MDT)
