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Sir Gred Bluehearth of the Order of the High Crown

CR —

male dwarf gestalt incarnate 5/crusader 8/sublime incarnate 2/ironsoul forgemaster 7/deepstone sentinel 2
LE medium humanoid (dwarf, incarnum)
Init/Senses +3/60 ft. darkvision, stonecunning (auto-search for stonework w/in 10 ft., stone trapfinding, intuit depth); Listen -1, Spot -1
Aura law (power 5)
Languages Common, Dwarven
AC 30, touch 14, flat-footed 30; +4 dodge against giants
(+11 armor, +5 shield, +4 deflection)
hp 178 (12 HD); DR 3/–
Fort/Ref/Will +13/+6/+8; +2 racial against poison, +2 racial against spells and SLAs, indomitable soul (cha bonus to will saves), zealous surge 1/day (reroll save)
Weakness shaky (-2 on ranged attack), pathetic (-2 cha, already factored in)
Speed 20 ft.; keeps speed even with armor or load
Melee mwk longsword +15/+10/+5 (1d8+3, 19-20/×2)
Ranged mwk composite longbow (mighty 3) +13/+8/+3 (1d8+3, 20/×3)
Base Atk/Grp +11/+14
Atk Options
  • +1 racial on attacks against orcs and goblinoids
  • spirit strike (invest essentia into single melee attack or martial strike, +e to attack, +2e to damage)
  • stone power
  • stand still (on successful AoO, foe must make reflex save DC [10+damage] or stop moving, foe does not take the damage)
  • smite 1/day (cha bonus to attack, crusader level to damage)
Special Actions incarnum radiance +2 1/day (free action, bonus to melee attack for 3 + con mod [min 1] rounds), rapid meldshaping 1/day (full-round, provokes AoOs, unshape and replace soulmeld, new soulmeld is not bound)
crusader Maneuvers and Stances Known (IL 12th, 5 readied, 3 granted, vital recovery (1/encounter, heal 3+[character level] when recovering maneuvers), adaptive style):
Stances—martial spirit (heal ally w/in 30 ft. 2 hp w/ each successful attack), stonefoot stance (+2 on str checks, +2 on AC vs larger foes, ends with >5 ft. movements), thicket of blades
Strikes—stone bones (standard, melee attack, DR 5/adamantine for 1 round if successful hit), douse the flames† (standard, melee attack, foe can't make AoOs), leading the attack (standard, melee attack, success grants allies +4 morale on attacks against foe), crusader's strike (standard, target w/ diff align who poses an immediate & direct threat, heal self or ally w/in 10 ft. 1d6+5), vanguard strike (standard, melee attack, allies gain +4 on attacks for 1 round), stone vise (standard, melee attack, extra 1d6, foe on ground has 0 to all speeds for 1 round, DC [12+str mod] fort negates immobility), revitalizing strike† (as crusader's strike, but 3d6+[IL, max 10]), divine surge† (+8d8 damage, standard action attack), elder mountain hammer† (standard action attack, 6d6 extra damage, bypass DR and hardness), crushing vise (as stone vise, but 4d6 damage and no save)†
Disciplines: devoted spirit, stone dragon, white raven
† Readied maneuver
Spell-Like Abilities
At will—detect chaos
Abilities Str 16, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 4
  • incarnate meldshaping (MSL 12th, capacity 3 [4 for soulmelds], 14 essentia, 6 melds, 3 binds [crown, hands, feet, arms, waist])
  • weapon familiarity (dwarven waraxe, dwarven urgrosh), stability (+4 on checks to resist bull rush or trip when standing on the ground)
  • steely resolve 10 (delay that much damage/round by one round)
  • furious counterstrike (1/5 delayed damage [rounded down, min 1] as bonus to attack and damage rolls during Gred's turn)
  • shield bond (invest in self-made shield as a soulmeld, gain universal energy resistance 5e)
  • secrets of the forge (caster level is three times Ironsoul Forgemaster level for purposes of Craft Magic Arms and Armor)
  • forge lore (ironsoul forgemaster level as insight to armorsmithing and weaponsmithing checks)
  • armor bond (invest in self-crafted armor as soulmeld, gain DR e/–, stacks with armor's other DR)
  • mountain fortress stance (while in stone dragon stance on earth or stone, swift action to enter this stance; raise 5 ft. platform of earth in Gred's square; adjacent squares become difficult terrain, DC 10 balance or fall prone in last occupied square of area when entering or leaving difficult square; can move 5 ft. each round, and pillar follows; if Gred exceeds 5 ft. in a round, stance ends)
  • crashing mountain juggernaut (if Gred began turn in mountain fortress stance, use full-round action to end it and force creatures in area of difficult terrain to make a DC 15 balance check or fall; also perform a charge with 2d6 extra damage)
Feats stone power, combat reflexes, stand still, extra granted maneuver, vital recovery, bonus essentia, craft magic arms and armor, adaptive style, double chakra (arms)
Skills appraise 0 ranks - 1 ability = -1 (+2 racial = 1 related to stone or metal) (+2 synergy = 1 related to armor), balance 13 ranks + 4 ability - 9 armor - 9 shield = -1, craft (armorsmithing) 12 ranks - 1 ability + 7 insight = 18 (+2 racial = 20 related to stone or metal), knowledge (arcana) 2 ranks - 1 ability = 1, martial lore 5 ranks - 1 ability = 4, search 0 ranks - 1 ability = -1 (+2 racial = 1 to notice unusual stonework), spellcraft 5 ranks - 1 ability = 4
  • +1 ghost touch dwarvencraft adamantine mechanus gear
  • bag of holding type I
  • dwarvencraft adamantine manacles (break DC 54, 25 hp, hardness 22, otherwise identical to dwarvencraft manacles)
  • healing belt
  • magic bedroll
  • +1 ghost touch dwarvencraft steel tower shield with Gred's personal crest
  • mwk composite longbow (mighty 3)
  • mwk armorsmithing tools
  • dwarvencraft longsword
  • ring of protection +4
  • gauntlets of soul bind (soul bind 1/week, must provide material component)
  • sapphire containing level 1 soul ×5
  • 15484.75 gp

note: dwarvencraft items are identical to masterwork items, but have an extra 2 hardness, 10 hp, and +2 on saves

Contact Contact's Position Location Gred's Position
Perecia Empire Nation Selk Knight of the Order of the High Crown
Evo Ruler of Evoia Evoia Head Constable
Wra'sh Nation Wra'sh Honorary Citizen
Usual Soulmelds
Chakra Soulmeld Effect Essentia
Arms Incarnate Weapon form longsword of incarnum, cannot be sundered or destroyed, returns to hand beginning of each turn, lawful aligned +e enhancement bonus
Bound: move action, charge next melee attack to stun enemy with different alignment, fort negates
Bluesteel Bracers +2 on init checks +e insight to weapon damage
Brow (unoccupied) (unoccupied) (unoccupied)
Crown Crystal Helm +2 resistance on Will saves against charm/compulsion +e deflection
Bound: melee attacks gain force descriptor
Feet (unoccupied) (unoccupied) (unoccupied)
Hands Lightning Gauntlets 1d6 electricity damage with standard action touch attack +ed6 damage
Bound: 1/round, add damage to unarmed, natural, or handheld weapon attack
Heart (unoccupied) (unoccupied) (unoccupied)
Shoulders Mantle of Flame unarmed, natural, or handheld weapon attackers are dealt 1d6 fire, shadowy illumination in Gred's space +ed6 fire damage
Soul (unoccupied) (unoccupied) (unoccupied)
Throat (unoccupied) (unoccupied) (unoccupied)
Waist vitality belt +4 morale on con checks and con-based skill checks +(MSL*e) bonus (not temporary) HP